Welcome to the EDUN Organization

Our way of work our Approach

Our Approach

Educate Nepal Initiative aims to form a chain of youths not only limited to Kathmandu but throughout the country to ensure leadership, participation and influence of the youths towards the betterment of the country. We, as an organization, have and will impart education to the people from the local level in partnership with government, civil society and other different agencies to bring effective impacts in educational understanding, upbringing and standards in our country. We mainly have our focus on capacity building, bringing local people and government together to interact and produce best output through awareness and educational initiations.

• Increase access to early learning in underserved areas, through community-based early childhood education (ECE) and parenting education.
• Improve the quality of ECE across the country through evidence-based policy advocacy.
• Support local governments in supporting the equitable delivery of school-based quality ECE.
• Improve the quality of basic education through policy development and planning focused on improving classroom teaching and learning, and promotion of early grade literacy and numeracy.
• Support innovations and research on teaching in multilingual classrooms.
• Launch behavior change campaigns targeting parents to increase demand for formal education for working children.
• Improve life skills of adolescents in formal and non-formal school settings through a life skills-based curriculum.
• Support government personnel to monitor out-of-school children, including children with disabilities, through the Education Management Information System (EMIS), and support local governments to carry out planning and program implementation under the new federal structure.
• Help develop an equivalency framework for non-formal education.
• Promote innovative teaching practices in different mediums of instruction, including the mother tongue
• Support the implementation of inclusive education for children with disabilities and a child-friendly schools’ framework

Educate Nepal Initiative(EduN) will solely focus on the proper growth and development of education of the people that are deprived of their rights due to poor quality and inequity in access, geographical remoteness, gender, socioeconomic and ethnic differences, and political instability and bureaucracy.